"Every night, just when the dark was softest and sleep was deepest, there came a loud noise from the end of the great room. It came from the place where the loom and spindle stood, where by day the grandmother spun and the mother wove."

from "The Spindle Imp" by Alida Sims Malkus

Monday, 18 May 2009

So what now?

A hat of course.....a Cabled Rangoli hat knitted from some of the lovely swap yarn that Amandack sent me!

And the Posty delivered these to me a day or so ago......a new book full of lovely knitting techniques and a set of Fine Inwood Smith Cotton Hand Carders (170ppsi). Yum......inspiration for more yarny, fibrey goodness.

I have a number of goodies on order so am expecting lots more lovely things delivered by the Posty......LONG LIVE THE POSTY! Yay! giggle

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