"Every night, just when the dark was softest and sleep was deepest, there came a loud noise from the end of the great room. It came from the place where the loom and spindle stood, where by day the grandmother spun and the mother wove."

from "The Spindle Imp" by Alida Sims Malkus

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Eucalyptus Silk Update

Yesterday the spinning/plying of the silk was finished. I now have a grand total of 2,483 metres at 28 wpi! Next stop, a hand knitted shawl! Good Grief!

Have had a bit of a sinus headache for a couple of days now....Am wishing desperately for some rain to clear the air. The sinuses won't settle until that happens and I'm never very good with one of these heads!

The felines are a little unsettled as well. Gale force winds have been predicted and the cats always go a bit crazy in this weather. The girl has been racing around like a mad thing picking fights with the boy; the boy is driving me nuts by alternately asking to play ball or have his tummy scratched. Its quite difficult to get things done when there is a large upside-down cat flopped across one's feet or when one is constantly being meowed and tugged at..... Bring on the Rain!

The Face Off

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Eucalyptus Silk

I finally have some 2ply silk off the wheel. This is from the silk caps that I dyed earlier. 1,764 metres, so far, of lace weight hand dyed, hand spun silk. I am thrilled! I was so sure it wouldn't turn out the way I wanted. It is destined for a hand knitted lace shawl.....Icarus.

I still have more to ply! Another aching back and sore fingers! But I can't complain. Spinning is addictive...and where in the world could you buy yarn like this?... Delicious! ...Colours of the Aussie bush!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

The Crocus Progress

Poor old Crocus has been placed on hold so I can get some baby clothes knitted. Had hoped to wear it to The Drum Theatre last Saturday but the urgent baby clothes thing came up on the Thursday. Never mind, it ought to be finished for a performance of "Madame Butterfly" by Oz Opera in a few weeks. Have just received a mountain of lace weight ready for dyeing. Am expecting to use some of this on Susan Pandorf's Iris (but probably without the beads).

I wish there were more minutes in every hour......I seem to always be running short of the time to get the things done that I want.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Silk Caps

I tried my hand at dyeing some silk caps about a week ago. I've not played with silk caps before and have been meaning to for about the last 12 months. I used the microwave dyeing method again....my microwave oven has certainly become a much more valued piece of equipment lately.

Into the Oven:

Out of the Oven:

The Spinning:

While in mad dyeing mode I threw in a fine silk thread. I want to use this as a keeper thread and I wanted the colours to compliment the handspun silk. I will ply the handspun with this:

Am hoping for a soft luxurious pure silk yarn.....perhaps for another shawl or lace scarf! Fingers crossed that it all turns out the way I envisage.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Knitting of the Crocus Pocus

This pattern is just delightful to knit. Despite the extensive use of beads it is very easy to pick up and put down without worrying about losing one's place. The silk merino blend is so soft and silky to the touch. I'm really looking forward to wearing it. YUM!