"Every night, just when the dark was softest and sleep was deepest, there came a loud noise from the end of the great room. It came from the place where the loom and spindle stood, where by day the grandmother spun and the mother wove."

from "The Spindle Imp" by Alida Sims Malkus

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Eucalyptus Silk

I finally have some 2ply silk off the wheel. This is from the silk caps that I dyed earlier. 1,764 metres, so far, of lace weight hand dyed, hand spun silk. I am thrilled! I was so sure it wouldn't turn out the way I wanted. It is destined for a hand knitted lace shawl.....Icarus.

I still have more to ply! Another aching back and sore fingers! But I can't complain. Spinning is addictive...and where in the world could you buy yarn like this?... Delicious! ...Colours of the Aussie bush!

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