"Every night, just when the dark was softest and sleep was deepest, there came a loud noise from the end of the great room. It came from the place where the loom and spindle stood, where by day the grandmother spun and the mother wove."

from "The Spindle Imp" by Alida Sims Malkus

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Sniffly Sneezie Weekend

I have a cold.....I had the cold on the weekend.....was a bit cross with myself because I had to pull out of a Saturday lunch with some local fibre-arty people! So instead, while I was sniffling, snuffling and sneezing all over the place I dyed some sock yarn for my next weaving project.

My new heddle reeds; extra shuttles and pick-up stick arrived at the end of last week.... and I'm dying (and dyeing) to use them. Some quality mulberry silk and angelina fibre also came with my order - they will be fun to play with!... Another scarf....this one I'll keep for myself.

I love these colours. Will dye some Cashmere Sock yarn to match.....well what girl wouldn't be seen matching her handknitted socks with her handwoven scarf? giggle

I also dyed some fine Merino Tops (22 micron). Some of my friends at The Craft Shoppe are knitting and felting some gorgeous baby and toddler items for sale. It was suggested I might like to spin some feltable yarn for them in vibrant colours. Well who can resist that sort of request?

Navajo plied...helps keep the colours separate and vibrant......
not work, FUN!!

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